Clowining Make-up
Gags Novelties

Michigan Magic Day 2010 Ring 211


When paying with Credit Card or PayPal,

there will be a $2.00 convenience charge.



Michigan Magic Day 2010

May 8, 2010

Sponsored by IBM Ring #211

The June Horowitz / John deVries Magic Club

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Email links

MagicBob Zoerman, President, IBM Ring #211

Jim Parkes, Dealer Chair  (616) 742-3898 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting        (616) 742-3898  end_of_the_skype_highlighting or (616) 550-4697 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting        (616) 550-4697  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Gil Scott, Night Before Party Chair

Dave Bogdan, VP, Contests Chair

PJ Weber, Sgt. at Arms, Close Up Show Chair

Gil Scott, Evening Stage Show Chair

Michele Parkes, Treasurer, Registration Chair   (616 742-3898 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting        616 742-3898  end_of_the_skype_highlighting) or (616) 550-4697 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting        (616) 550-4697  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Randy Vander Wal, Advertising Chair


Click the wizard


for a descriptive flyer

about Michigan Magic Day 2010.

Click the magician


for a registration form.

Note: PayPal accepted - $2 surcharge

Call Michele at (616) 742-3898 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting        (616) 742-3898  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Click the compass


for a map

Click the clock


for a draft schedule.

Click the gavel -->

for the contest rules.

$500.00 CA$H PRIZES

Note: There must be 5 per category by April 8 or that category may be cancelled.

Note: A mike will be available for all performers, if desired.

Contest questions? Contact Dave Bogdan.

His email address is noted at the top of this page.

Click the clipboard


for a list of registered

contest entrants.



Click the party guys


for a descriptive flyer

about the Nite B4 Party.

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Get it free here --->



The goals for MMD 2010 include:


Goal #1. Renew the founding goal of Michigan Magic Day.

That is; a Michigan event, by and for Michigan magicians.

In the words (almost) of Abraham Lincoln:

"..and that magic of the Michigan magicians, by the Michigan magicians, for the Michigan magicians, ?" shall flourish!

Did you know that there is really a rabbit under that hat?


Goal #2. Maximize opportunities to celebrate fellowship and

camaraderie in the Michigan magic community.


Goal #3. Enhance our relationship with our community.


See below!


Goal #4. Hold the event in a high class venue.

MMD 2010 will be held at Spectrum Health’s Butterworth Hospital*.

We will have the use of the East Auditorium, a beautiful first class meeting place.

The stage is huge and the venue has tiered comfortable seating for 327.

Additionally we have the option of added meeting rooms for dealer space.

The hospital's PRISMS Restaurant has excellent food, great variety, and very reasonable prices. And, many other restaurants are nearby.

We also expect to have a Spectrum AV specialists assisting us for the entire day with sound and lighting.

We plan to have close up cameras projecting on a very large screen, the presentations of close up performers/lecturers, at their discretion.

With the support of the president of the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, our evening program will be open (free) to all of the children in the hospital via closed circuit cable to the patients' rooms, their families, and their support staff.

Additionally, with the enthusiastic support of the Children’s Hospital’s director of marketing and communications, we will likely have significant media coverage on the Grand Rapids television stations and newspaper.

I am fired up and eager to make this a great event to remember!


* Spectrum Health brings together a network of health care facilities and staff with a rich heritage of exceptional care. With seven nationally accredited hospitals, more than 140 service sites and a network of primary care physicians throughout West Michigan, we offer world-class health care to the communities we serve.


Click on the pictures of the venue below to enlarge them.


Goal #5. Minimize the registration cost to Michigan magicians.

 At this point, we are going to try to keep the registration cost to a mere $25.

($30 at the door)

You might ask, “Are you kidding me? Only $25?”

The answer is, “Yes, that is the goal!”



All money received that exceeds expenses will be donated to the Helen DeVos Children's Hospital.

There will be two shows for the Children's Hospital; one (close up) Fri. afternoon and one (stage) Sat. evening.

For patient safety, the close up show will be open to patients, their support staff and the performers only.

All registrants are encouraged to attend the Saturday evening show.



To maximize the number of dealers present, the dealer fees will be $0.

To maximize the items for sale, anyone can deal. (All sellers must register.)

Want to sell your used stuff on your own table? The charge for a table is $0

We will ask all persons selling to donate an item of appropriate value for a raffle.

Appropriate value? Let your conscience will be your guide.

Hey, think about it. The better the donation, the better you will look to your peers.

(If you have a table, you are responsible to staff it.)

Should anyone enter the sales rooms only to buy and not want to register, the buyer entry fee will be $5.00


*** Lecturers Confirmed ***



Jania Taylor

"Getting A Gig Is A Full Time Job"

If you are a seasoned pro, a part time pro, or just starting out as a magician, you know that getting booked for shows is WORK! Don't be fooled; The phone will not ring by magic, you have to make it ring!  Ms. Taylor has spent the last two decades criss-crossing the country performing at thousands of events. How did she do this? She became her own agent! Show business is two words: show and business. We are bringing Jania to Michigan Magic Day to help increase your business.  Through trial and error, she has paid for her education when it comes to the marketing of magical services.

A few of the additional performers we are pleased will be there for you!

Gil Scott PJ Weber Keith Kocher


 Check back as details develop!

Got any questions?

Send an email to MagicBob.



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